Guide for Newbies

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«ProTanki» is a free MMO three-dimensional game, which contains a variety of mechanics that range from the tanker's insignia, its importance and efficiency in earning them an upgraded set of equipment to help elevate their strength, all the way to the actual mechanics of the turrets and hulls that each tanker should, favorably so, choose in order to combat the enemy appropriately, to the economy that the «ProTanki» essentially relies on. We, as experienced members of the community, feel the need to provide all new tankers with the information necessary to ease everyone's first experience with the project. The guide is particularly made for newcomers, and could also come to be of help towards intermediate and experienced tanks — learn more about the mechanics and workarounds of the game.

Direct link to download and play the game:

Handout: How do I start?

Below is a preview of every essential mechanic in the game, which resides in its exclusive article that you can inspect further:

PT Logo.png Registration

First of all, you need to choose a nickname and a password, you must choose an available nickname and a strong password. Once you've successfully registered your account, you can head over to the Settings button.pngSettings icon to link your ProTanki account to your e-mail address. This will protect you and your tank from becoming a victim of violators, and will let you easily change or recover your password.

PT Logo.png Lobby

After you're done with the registration phase and have successfully entered the game, you'll be greeted with the main screen of your game; called the "Lobby". From that displayed screen of yours, you have a multitude of choices you can pick from; and from there, you can also choose and enter a battle you wish to play (as long as it's available for your rank. You can notice the unavailable battles which will be grayed out in the battles list, while other available battles will be highlighted in green and the "Join" button will be available to click), and you can create your own battle.

PT Logo.png Chat

Within your display screen, the lobby, you can see the chat to the leftmost side of your screen, where you can communicate with other players. All players have the chat unlocked at the rank of IconMini 3.png Gefreiter.

PT Logo.png Garage

In order to stand a fair chance at combating enemies with equal, or greater, equipment, you'll need to hover over the garage tab and equip your tank with the state-of-the-art equipment, and this can be easily accessible through the in-game shop where you can purchase better equipment for the in-game currency, crystals. All items you are in possession of are kept in mint conditions, perfectly safe by a team of experienced mechanics!

PT Logo.png Settings

Here you can tweak the sound, adjust the image, change the password, specify your e-mail address and do many other things in the settings menu.

PT Logo.png Tank Controls

Learn all the ins and outs of the game controls here.

PT Logo.png Battles

Fancy creating a battle of your own with your preferred customization? Then this is the right place. Specify preferred characteristics (game mode, number of players, etc.) publish a link to your battle in the chat and fight on your favorite map.

A look into common developmental strategies

It's no secret a plethora of enlisted personnel end their military career without having started it! The reason for this is straightforward: many lack the necessary funds (crystals) to combat enemies on an equal battlefield. Therefore, fighting other tankers with an under-leveled gear that leaves them grounded and unable to fight back. Worry not, tankers! We have provided you with three methods that will be of great help to you:

  • First method: Purchasing crystals for real money. It's no secret there's a cost for this, which is real money, but it comes at an even greater value; allowing you to purchase just about the right gear available for your rank. Also, it comes in handy if you don't have the time nor willingness to cater to the hassle of grinding for hours. HINT: It's even better to purchase crystals when you have the double crystals card!
  • Second method: Grinding. Although it requires great patience, but this method is 100% free. It's been observed through extensive researches done by our analytical professors that most tankers often spend crystals on absolutely unimportant gear or other things that serve no purpose in bettering the tanker's equipment or quality of life on the battlefield. As a result of the aforementioned, they have various low-level hulls or tanks, but no high-level equipment, which is not good. When you start to play, pick your own strategy, choose a turret and a hull that you like, and save crystals to upgrade those particular items. This way, you get a powerful hull/turret combination, and will be able to fight on equal terms even with players who invest real money in the game.
  • Third method: Entering contests. There are plenty of contests and events being held by their responsible team, which can be often found within ProTanki's official Discord server. These contest have plenty of rewards that range from crystals to premium, and rare ones that involve arduous tasks in exchange for rare paints, and other rewards that include supplies (Masters of Parkour).

What battle modes do I play?

There are 4 types of battle modes: Death Match (DM) [where everyone fights for themselves], Capture The Flag (CTF), Team Death Match (TDM) and finally Control Points (CP).

At lower ranks it is recommended you play DM battles since this battle mode will always grant you at least a few crystals. In a team game you can play like a real pro but your final earnings will depend on the performance of your whole team. So if your team doesn't collaborate with each other you might lose and not earn that many crystals.

It is strongly recommended that you play with others of your rank. Still, the choice is always yours. Playing with people of your rank, won't give you that much XP, but you will have the opportunity to earn a decent amount of crystals to further improve your garage.

I am confused! Which hull do I choose?

No need to experiment, we've already done all the experimentation for you!

If you prefer dynamic combat, you'll be better off with a light hull like Wasp or Hornet. Hunter is also a good choice and comes highly recommended due to its decent speed and excellent armor, as well as its stability. If you love to snipe while hiding, then almost any hull will suit you, although Hunter, Titan and Mammoth should be your priority. And of course there is always Dictator, which is harder to use but effective in all cases.

Now let's consider the pros Plus.png and cons Minus.png of the various hulls. Discussion of turrets and hulls


  • Plus.png Has the highest mobility and agility.
  • Minus.png Weak armor, unstable - if you are trying to kill someone using rail, you will probably roll over if the opponent is shooting at you at the same time.


  • Plus.png Very fast tank, relatively good armour, nice hull and a perfect flag stealer.
  • Minus.png Unstable. Sometimes, while using drugs the speed cannot be controlled and you might flip.


  • Plus.png Relatively high mobility, agility, strong armour, nice appearance.
  • Minus.png Awkward drift, sometimes "too medium"


  • Plus.png Fast, strong armour, extremely low profile, very high stability.
  • Minus.png Low maneuverability.


  • Plus.png High mobility , good armour. The turret is closer to the back so it is easy to shoot while covered.
  • Minus.png Very low stability. It is very easy to ram a dictator shooting it in the mid-part of the body.


  • Plus.png Very strong armour, highest stability, Quite maneuverable.
  • Minus.png Slow, Low agility


  • Plus.png Very hard to kill. Has the strongest armour of all the existing hulls.
  • Minus.png Low speed, slow when turning. Expensive.

Turrets - a reflection of your play-style

Which turret should you choose? This solely depends on the map you fancy playing on.

Now, let us take a closer look at the main advantages and disadvantages of every turret.


  • Plus.png High damage. The burning effect will kill almost everyone and will continue even after you are destroyed.
  • Minus.png A small range of action and a slow recharge.


  • Plus.png This turret deals high damage to enemies and freezes them, turning them into helpless victims.
  • Minus.png Short range and slow recharge.


  • Plus.png Great for team battles. You can easily earn experience points by healing your team.
  • Minus.png Only has a range of about 15 meters.


  • Plus.png This weapon deals massive amounts of damage in 3 quick bursts before needing to reload.
  • Minus.png It has a reload speed similar to smoky between shots, of which there are 3 in a clip. The reload time between clips is closer to Railgun.


  • Plus.png High rate of fire, big knock-back and fast reload, and an annoying sound to the enemy, all of which will help you strike terror into the heart of your opponent.
  • Minus.png Difficulty in aiming and a short range of just about 60 meters.


  • Plus.png Another powerful weapon. Famous for dealing high damage in a small amount of time. You can use the bouncing bullets to destroy enemies while taking cover from hostile fire.
  • Minus.png Shots are absorbed


  • Plus.png The most versatile weapon. With some skill it can be highly effective at any rank. The main advantages are a high shooting rate combined with a decent damage. It is possible to kill an enemy with one shot thanks to the critical hit (a lightning that strikes the opponent).
  • Minus.png Deals a significantly reduced damage from afar.


  • Plus.png Has a lower rate of fire than Smoky but deals good damage. In addition, Thunder can deal damage to multiple enemies with just one shot!
  • Minus.png Sometimes it is possible to self-destruct and leave the enemy without the kill. Just keep in mind that Thunder's damage decreases with distance!


  • Plus.png A favorite amongst the majority of players. Each shot takes away a huge amount of HP, excellent knock-back effect, especially if the opponent is moving.
  • Minus.png Slow recharge.


  • Plus.png Do you like sniping? Here's the gun that can satisfy your need (which would include sniper-sight - press the space bar and hold to charge). Very high range, high damage.
  • Minus.png Slow rotation speed and recharge time.