Daily Gifts

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When a tanker enters the game for the first time after 00:00 Kyiv time, there is a random chance to obtain a gift of either Double Crystal Card or PRO Battle Pass, in which the type of pass received is randomly determined. Daily Gifts become available after the rank of Gefreiter, and they have an active subscription period of exactly 24 hours starting from the moment of activation.


  • PRO Battle Pass allows you to participate freely in or create PRO Battles, which contains multiple options you can enable or disable, including the dropping of Crystal boxes, availability of Supply usage in battle, the ability to change equipment during battle and so on. Note that you will not receive the pass from Daily Gifts if you already have an active subscription.
  • Double Crystal Card is a type of discount card which allows you to double the number of Crystals earned through purchasing from the Shop with real money. The chance of obtaining this card is about 12.5% and remains constant every day.

Returning Gift

If you re-entered the game after at least one month of inactivity, the game would gift you a comprehensive number of Supplies, Crystals, a bronze (one week) Up Score subscription, and the Double Crystal Card.

Returning gift.png


  • Previously, before the introduction of Missions to the game, it was possible to obtain a login bonus of Crystals and Supplies from the game every day, in addition to the passes listed above.