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See also: How to Use Mammoth (Tips and Tricks)

Description in Garage

This is not a tank - this is a fortress on tracks. Mammoth is the flagship among other hulls. Extremely heavy, strengthened with super-concrete this hull is slow, which does not prevent Mammoth from successfully fighting against several enemy tanks.

Table of characteristics

Modification M0 M1 M2 M3
Available from IconsNormal 06.pngSergeant IconsNormal 13.pngWarrant Officer 3 IconsNormal 20.pngMajor IconsNormal 28.pngFieldmarshal
SmallCrystal.png Price 600 25 450 94 650 229 900
Protection.png Protection (HP) 268 339 409 450
Top speed.png Top speed (m/s) 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.0
Reverse acceleration (m/s2) 8.90 10.11 11.31 12.00
Acceleration.png Turning speed (°/s) 54.0 64.1 74.2 80.0
Turning acceleration (°/s2) 81.42 88.65 95.87 100.00
Reverse turning acceleration (°/s2) 169.04 181.08 193.12 200.00
Lateral acceleration (m/s2) 18.81 21.22 23.62 25.00
Weight.png Weight (kg) 4262 4743 5225 5500
Power.png Power 1131 1274 1418 1500
View in Garage
Hull mammoth m0.png

Hull Overview

List of Hulls Special
Wasp Hornet Hunter Dictator Viking Titan Mammoth Hornet XT
Wasp3.png Hornet3.png Hunter3.png Dictator3.png Viking3.png Titan3.png Mammoth3.png HornetXT3.png