Changing Equipment

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Turrets / Hulls

  • While in battle, you may find enemies with paints which protect from you, by following these steps, you can avoid using wrong Turret in battles:

1. You have to check their profile to make sure that they do not have the paint that protect from your equipped turret.

2. If your team got weak equipment (Turret/Hull/Paint), try to be clever and keep targeting your enemies whom do not have a paint protects from you, they will keep ignoring your teammates and focus you as well, so they can take the full benefit of killing or capturing flags/points, results in winning the battle.

  • As we said above about choosing the suitable Turret for the battle, let's give some instructions about Hulls too:

1. Wasp/Hornet: Using them in CTF/CP to capture the enemies flag/point as fast as you can, if you believe that your teammates can defend your flag/point.

2. Viking/Hunter: Using them in CTF/CP/TDM/DM, you can consider them as the intermediate Hulls between other Hulls. Exception for Viking, its only drawback is its lack of height.

3. Dictator: Using it in CTF/CP/TDM/DM, you can consider it as the intermediate tank between others, this is for its height, so if you joined the battle to hunt Golds, it'll be the best choice.

4. Titan/Mammoth: Using both of them in CTF/CP mostly for defending a flag/point, make sure that you got some attackers in your team because if not, the battle will not end/take so long.
