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Every player is given three separate daily tasks each day, all of which can be completed in regular battles. At 00:00 MSK, all Completed tasks will be swapped out for fresh ones. Once a player completes one of their three daily missions, they are rewarded with either Crystals, Supplies or a few hours of Premium Accounts. Players that manage to consecutively complete at least 1 mission everyday for a week will receive a bonus containing a quantity of Crystals and Supplies depending on their rank. The weekly bonus increases for every consecutive week, with a maximum of 4.

Your daily missions can be found in the missions category: Missiontab.png

Upon opening the tab, you'll be greeted with a menu containing your three daily tasks and their rewards. Missions.png

You can change one mission per day for free if you are unhappy with what you've got, after that, missions can be changed for a cost of a small amount of crystals.

Mission Tasks and Rewards

At random, you'll receive one of the following objectives:

  • Capture Points
  • Destroy Enemies
  • Destroy Enemies carrying a flag
  • Destroy enemies in either CTF/CP/TDM/DM
  • Deliver Flags
  • Return Flags
  • Collect Armor/Damage/Nitro/Repair boxes
  • Help teammates destroy enemies
  • Earn Experience in battles
  • Earn Experience in either CP/CTF/TDM/DM
  • Earn Crystals in battles
  • Earn Crystals in either CP/CTF/TDM/DM

See also: Battle modes.

Mission Prizes

A reward will be given for completing each task. The size and nature of the awards are determined by the players' rank and number of previously completed consecutive tasks.

Possible rewards:

  • A quantity of either Double Armor, Double damage, Nitro, Repair kits and Mines;
  • Amount of Crystals;
  • Few hours of Premium Account;
  • During Special celebrations, missions sometimes contain unique rewards such as special Paints.

Once you have completed your missions objective, you have to manually claim the reward.

Weekly Mission Chains

Additionally to regular Daily missions, completing consecutive missions in a row will also reward the player with bonuses.

You can view the amount of consecutive missions you've completed in a row from the tab seen below.


The number on the right indicates what week your on, while the progress bar indicates the day. Once your progress bar has filled up completely, you'll be rewarded with Supplies and an amount of Crystals depending on your rank, and the amount of consecutive weeks in a row you've completed your missions.


Requirements for missions to be completed

Missions will not be completed if:

  • The battle mode is set to Parkour;
  • The battle is Private;
  • There are less than 5 total players in the battle.

See also: Battles, Crystals and Supplies.