Festivities and Sales

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In ProTanki, sales are a common way to offer players discounts on in-game items, such as crystals, tanks, and upgrades. These sales can range from small percentage discounts to large reductions in price and they can be held at any time, but they are usually announced in advance to give players time to plan and budget for their purchases.

There are several different types of sales that can be held in ProTanki. Some of the most common include:

  1. Holiday sales: These sales usually held on special occasions such as Christmas, New Year, Easter or other holidays. They offer discounts on a wide range of items, and they can last for several days or even a week.
  2. Anniversary sales: These sales are held to commemorate the anniversary of the game's launch.

In summary, ProTanki sales offer players the opportunity to purchase in-game items at discounted prices. These sales can be held at any time, but they are usually announced in advance and can last for a short or a longer period. There are different types of sales such as random deals (Double Crystal Card), holiday sales and anniversary sales. It's important to be mindful of budgeting while taking advantage of the sales.

History of Annual sales in ProTanki

Attention! This is past data of sales that have occurred in previous years, using this data you may gain an idea of what to possibly expect in the future, but there is no official way to foretell what or when the next sale will be. Keep in mind that there may be other events not included in this list. Changes to holidays also rely on the developers. The specifics of upcoming sales are unknown to everyone but only the developers.

Note: Themed decorations of latest festivities after the 2023 Black Friday event are not included here. If you would like to view their appearances, please navigate to their corresponding main articles.

Theme Discounts Date of Last Festivity Themed Decorations
New Year 50% 28th Dec 2023 - 7th Jan 2024 Hornet keychain preview.pngIrbis ball preview.pngNewYear2023Paint.pngGB NY2023 45.png
Valentines Day 40% 14th Feb - 18th Feb 2024 Valentine gift.pngCupid gift.pngValentinesDayPaint.pngGoldvalentines.png
Day of the Fatherland 30% 23rd Feb - 26th Feb 2022 Jeton gift.pngTank toy gift.pngDefenderOftheFatherlandDayPaint.png
International Women's Day 50% 8th Mar - 12th Mar 2024 Flowers gift.pngIzida gift.pngBox chocolates gift.pngSpring lady gift.pngBasket of flowers gift.pngBox of sweets gift.png

WD1 GB 2023.pngWomen day.pngWomen day1.png

Fools Day 42% 1st Apr - 7th Apr 2024 AprilFoolsDay.pngFools gold.pngAprilFools2023.png
Cosmonautics Day 63% 12th Apr - 14th Apr 2024 CosmonauticsDayPaint.pngCosmospaint2.pngCosmogold.pngCosmo2023.png
May Day! 40% 1st May - 4th May 2023 Gold may holiday.pngMay2023.png
Easter 50% 5th May - 12th May 2024 EasterDayPaint.pngGold easter.pngEaster2023.png
Victory Day! 35% 7th May - 9th May 2022 Shlem gift.pngOrden gift.pngVictoryDayPaint.png
Summer Holidays 40% 1st June - 5th June 2024 Thumbanails cannot be shown.
World UFO Day 0% 2nd July - 4th July 2022


ProTanki Anniversary 50% 11th July - 17th July 2023 BirthdayPaint.png200px-Gold bday.pngBirthdayPaint2.pngGoldbd23.pngBadgebd23.png
International Beer Day 40% 5th Aug - 7th Aug 2023 Gold beer.png
Day of the Railway Worker 0% 7th Aug - 10th Aug 2022 RailwayWorkersPaint.pngGoldrailways.png
Tankers Day 40% 9th Sep - 12th Sep 2023 TankersDayPaint.pngGold tankers day.pngTankersDayPaint23.pngGold Tankers Day 23.png
Halloween 50% 30th Oct - 5th Nov 2023 Candies gift.pngHalloweenPaint.pngHallogold.pngHallo pumpkin.pngHalloween23.pngHalloween gold 2023.png
Black Friday 40% 25th Nov - 26th Nov 2023 BlackFridayPaint.png