Automatic renaming of inactive users

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See also: Rename Pass and Technical Support

In this article, you will find all information you need about your in-game nickname. Sometimes you want a nice, popular, simple and unique nickname, but it may have already been taken by another player. It does not necessarily mean that the player is playing with that account. That is why a new system has been published to allow you to obtain a nickname that has already been taken by inactive players.

What to do if the nickname you wanted has already been taken?

If you tried to register a new account but found out that the nickname you wanted has already been taken, do not despair, you may still be able to get it!

If an account has been inactive for a certain period of time, the nickname associated with it will become free to use again and you can register it for your account! An account is considered "inactive" if it has not been used to log in to the game for a certain period of time (depending on the rank of the account).

The table below shows the inactivity time needed for each rank:

Rank Inactivity Time Rank Inactivity Time Rank Inactivity Time
Recruit 20 days IconsNormal 11.png 240 days IconsNormal 21.png 420 days
Private 40 days IconsNormal 12.png 260 days IconsNormal 22.png 440 days
Gefreitor 60 days IconsNormal 13.png 280 days IconsNormal 23.png 460 days
IconsNormal 04.png 80 days IconsNormal 14.png 300 days IconsNormal 24.png 480 days
IconsNormal 05.png 100 days IconsNormal 15.png 320 days IconsNormal 25.png 500 days
IconsNormal 06.png 120 days IconsNormal 16.png 340 days IconsNormal 26.png 520 days
IconsNormal 07.png 140 days IconsNormal 17.png 360 days IconsNormal 27.png 540 days
IconsNormal 08.png 160 days IconsNormal 18.png 380 days IconsNormal 28.png 560 days
IconsNormal 09.png 200 days IconsNormal 19.png 400 days IconsNormal 29.png 580 days
IconsNormal 10.png 220 days IconsNormal 20.png 420 days IconsNormal 30.png 600 days


  • For accounts that have been used to purchase crystals, the minimum period of inactivity is extended to 3 years from the date of the last purchase, regardless of the account’s rank.
  • Nicknames of accounts that have been blocked for inappropriate nickname will not become available — these are and will remain blocked FOREVER.

An inactive account's nickname will only become available again if someone tries to register it. At that point, one of two things can happen:

1. If the inactive account is not linked to a valid email address, the new user will be able to register/take the nickname immediately.
2. If the inactive account is linked to a valid email address, the original owner of the account will receive an email notification informing him / her that someone wants to obtain his / her account's nickname. From that point, the original owner of the account will have ONE WEEK to reactivate his / her account by entering the Game. If he / she fails to do so within that time frame, the new user will be able to register the nickname.

What happens to my account if my nickname has been taken?

Your account will NOT be lost! In fact, inactive accounts are simply renamed to free up the nickname for another user, and you will be able to access your account as usual even if it has lost its nickname - nicknames of inactive accounts get the prefix "r_" in front of them. So if the nickname "TANKER" is taken, the original account nickname will become "r_TANKER". If "r_TANKER" is also taken, a number between 0 and 100 is added to it, so the name becomes, for example, "r_TANKER0".

NOTE: If a player's nickname is 18 or more characters long, his nickname will be changed to: r_17547384638 (random numbers).

If your account nickname has been taken, all of the following events must have taken place:

  • You did not enter the Game for a very long time,
  • Someone tried to register your nickname,
  • You did not notice a letter telling you that someone else has tried to register your nickname,
  • Someone tried to register your nickname a second time.

After all of the above has happened, your inactive account will be given a new nickname.

What if I want to return to the Game after losing my nickname?

After losing your nickname and being given a new one and you decide to return to the game, you will be able to continue playing with this new nickname or eventually choose a different one by contacting our Technical Support.

NOTE: Nothing you owned will be touched — garage items, rank, crystals and everything associated with your account before the period of inactivity will still be the same.

To access your renamed account, follow these steps:

  • If you have an email linked to your account, you will also receive an email from the technical support with your new nickname with all details required.
  • If you do not have an email linked to your account, you will have to contact our technical support team to submit an account recovery request, and then wait for their instructions.