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Revision as of 13:34, 21 April 2023 by Noizy (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Bvcovia (talk) to last revision by Wham)
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The settings tab is where players can modify their ProTanki settings to their liking for the ultimate experience. The button Settings button.png can be found in the top right corner of the player's client, in between "Sound" and "Friend invitation" buttons. The settings button immediately pops a window of a various settings once clicked, which is composed of the following:


The "game" tab within the settings window displays a variety of settings with each exhibiting a particular function as following:

Show damage

Displays a white, briefly floating, number that indicates the amount of damage inflicted onto other tanks done by you. Turning this option off will not display the number indicating your damage counter.

Show chat

The message shown if the player has «Show chat» setting disabled.

Shows or hides the chat once turned on/off. Once this setting is disabled, the player will not be able to view the general chat once they're in the lobby, as they will be greeted with a message on the chatting-box that reads: "The chat is disabled. It can be turned on in the 'Settings'."

Alternate camera behaviour

Modifies the behaviour of your in-game camera.

Show notifications

Once enabled, allows for players on one's friends list to invite you to battles. If disabled, friends will not be able to deliver invitation to battles to the recipient.

Sound volume

A bar with a small square that can be swiped left to right or vice versa. The bar displays a total of 20 volume mini-bars ({lowest} 5% - 10% - 15% - 20% - 25% - 30% - 35% - 40% - 45% - 50% - 55% - 60% - 65% - 70% - 75% - 80% - 85% - 90% - 95% - 100% {highest}).

Background sound

Displays auditory ambience once in a battle. If disabled, the ambience of the map being played is gone until the player chooses to re-enable the setting.


Show FPS and ping

FPS and ping displayed once the setting is enabled.

Displays your FPS and ping on the bottom right cornet of the player's screen once in a battle.

Adaptive FPS

Allows the player to avoid "control delay". Not recommended for usage unless necessary.

Show skybox

Displays the sky of the map as well as the landscape in the background surrounding the battlefield.


Improves the quality of textures and smooths the edges for objects the player is in sight of once in a map.

Automatic graphics quality

The client automatically detects the most suitable configuration of graphics' settings for the optimal performance of your hardware running the game.

Dynamic shadows

Once enabled, displays the dynamic shadows of everything within the map.

Deep shadows

Once enabled, displays deeper volume to the overall rendering of your game, whilst maintaining a smoothed-out underlining of the curvy angles between erect buildings and walls.

Dynamic lighting

Once enabled, displays a dynamic lighting of objects that emit light levels visible enough to be exhibited; flags, control points, flares and lights emitted beneath the barrel of each turret in the game, expansion of the light within a destroyed tank's radius.


Once enabled, displays a visible aerosol resembling stratus; the fog can be seen from distance.

Shadow under tank

Once enabled, displays a shadow under tanks.


Once enabled, smooths the edges of objects instead of their regularly "jagged" visuals.

Soft particles

Once enabled, displays the realism exhibited by the tank's interaction with objects around it; projectiles shot, trees and bumps are smoother in contact with the tank than when the setting is disabled.


Once enabled, displays dust particles that are emitted once the player's tank starts moving in any direction.


Main article: Registration

This sections is where the player has control over their account's security, it is a must! Once the player choose to link their e-mail with their account for a robust layer of protection, the player will be prompted to enter their desired e-mail to be linked, and enter the CAPTCHA in order to confirm that they are a human.

Below the setting of linking one's e-mail, the player has the ability to link their e-mail to the VKontakte service as a quick token of logging in through their linked VKontakte e-mail.


Mouse controls

Allows the player to use their mouse as a mean of controlling their tank's movement and rotations.

Mouse look sensitivity

Allows the player to determine the sensitivity of their mouse look.

Mouse look vertical inversion

Once enabled, inverts the tank's mouse look.

Mouse view vertical inversion for Shaft Sniping Mode

Once enabled, inverts the settings for Shaft while it's in Sniping Mode (i.e. if a player is turning their Shaft's sniper up, with this setting enabled, it will invert the turning. Therefore, making up down and vice versa).

Inverse turn controls while moving back

Once enabled, inverts the turn controls for the tank while moving backwards.

Restore default buttons

Clicking this button will allow the player to restore the default configuration for all of their tank-controlling buttons.