Premium account

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Premium Account is a special service that gives serveral bonuses and privileges to its owner.

Obtaining a Premium Account

Getting a Premium Account is possible in a number of ways:

  • Buying with real money in the Shop
  • Completing specific Missions
  • Receiving as compensation for downtime from the developers

The easiest and quickest way to get Premium Account is to purchase it from the Shop. You can choose between the larger Crystal Packs, which include it as a bonus, and special Premium Account offers.
Even though you can earn a few hours of Premium Account through Missions, buying it in the Shop is often the better choice if you want to keep the bonuses for a longer period of time.


Obtaining a Premium Account gives one a number of advantages:

  • 50% bonus to experience points earned in Battles
  • 100% bonus to Crystals earned in Battles
  • Unique Premium Paint with 15% resistance to all Turrets

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