Video of The Week

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Video of the Week is a contest in which players have the opportunity to win a fantastic prize by submitting a short video clip.

How to participate

To participate, players must record a video showcasing a memorable moment in the game and upload it to YouTube.
It's crucial to note that the video must not be set to private, as it needs to be viewable by the Event Helpers.
Once the video is uploaded, players can submit the link to the video through Google Forms.


There are several rules to follow to ensure eligibility for the contest:

  • Only one entry per player is allowed.
  • The video must be a minimum of 20 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds in length.
  • The video must only be recorded in ProTanki
  • The submitted video must follow the Game Rules.
  • The video can be edited, but not too much.


The prize for the winner has changed over time. Initially, the winner received 30,000 SmallCrystal.png.
Currently, the winner will receive 3 days of Small Premium Rank.png and 30000 SmallCrystal.png.