Twins Boxing Tournament

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The Twins Boxing Tournament is a Contest in which multiple teams compete for the title of boxing champion.

How to participate

To participate, teams of 3 players must register on the official Tournament Discord Server.
To do this, the 3 nicknames of the team members, a team name and a team logo must be posted in the #registration channel.
If there is an excessive number of teams registered, a "friendly match" may be held to determine the team that will advance to the competition.

General Rules

Failure to comply with the following rules may result in disqualification from the Contest.

  • If a team fails to appear for a match, they will be disqualified, and the opposing team will advance to the next round.
  • If both teams fail to attend the match, both teams will be disqualified from the competition.
  • If a player is flipped, all shooting must stop. If a player continues to shoot, the team will lose 1 point.
  • Pushing a player outside the ring will not be counted as a flip. Only flips made inside the designated ring will be counted.
  • If a spectator calls out "GO/STOP," players must return to their designated corners and wait for further instructions.
  • If a team fails to follow instructions and continues to waste time, the opposing team will win and move on.

Ring Rules

The procedure of the match will be governed by these rules:

  • There will be 4 rounds.
  • Each round is 2 minutes.
  • The team that wins the most rounds will win the match and advance to the next round.
  • If the score is 2-2, the winner will be decided in a final 5th round.

Important Information

The winning team will progress to the next stage of the tournament, while the losing team will be eliminated.
The event team reserves the right to exclude players who exhibit poor behavior from participating in the tournament.
If a player argues with or insults the referee or any helpers during the tournament, their entire team will be immediately removed from the tournament.
In such cases, the previous opponent will take over their position and continue in the tournament.


Place Prizes per Member
14 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 100000 SmallCrystal.png
7 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 70000 SmallCrystal.png
5 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 50000 SmallCrystal.png
4th - 16th
2 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 5000 SmallCrystal.png