Stadium Hall of Fame

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The secret room is a rather large hall, and above the entrance and on two sides of the entrance you can see famous players from the GTank era. On the opposite side of the entrance is the inscription "Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo" (from the movie "The Matrix Revolutions", referring to the fact that most of GTanks players lost interest in all tanki games after the release of ProTanki).

List of players who got into "sneak"

  • test - Chief developer of GTanks and ProTanki
  • Profiler - Developer of GTanks and ProTanki
  • debug - ProTanki developer
  • ProfeSSor - Former GTanks Admin
  • Gamb1k - Former GTanks Administrator
  • xakep33rus - ProTanki Administrator
  • RIOT - ProTanki Developer
  • CaMyCb - ProTanki Community Manager
  • kl_nazariy - ProTanki Community Manager
  • Sashga - ProTanki Administrator
  • TvoyPavlusha - Former GTanks Moderator
  • Sharax - Former GTanks administrator
  • cherep99 - Famous youtuber from the GTanks days
  • CeHbKa - Famous youtuber since GTanks.
  • geoph - GTanks and ProTanki graphic designer, youtuber and former GTanks tester
  • He_3a_4To - Youtuber, helped with modeling during ProTanki development
  • XAMER212 - Former GTanks Wiki tester and editor
  • Gremlin - Skilled player
  • Prizma - Skilled player
  • Aivaz - Tester, editor of ProTanki Wiki, creator of ProTLVK
  • Edge - Tester, event admin and editor of ProTanki Wiki, member of Schizophrenics clan.
  • neetor - Discord moderator, tester, ProTa event helper
  • Ballack (Destr_S) - Member of the clan Schizophrenics, GTanks goalposts
  • LLuKJloP - Member of Schizophrenics clan
  • Sitnikov - ProTanki cartographer, member of Schizophrenics clan.
  • sheezy - Former GTanks and ProTanki tester, member of Schizophrenics clan
  • Corey - Member of Schizophrenics clan
  • Njet (Thunder_Turret) - Member of Schizophrenics clan
  • FivFiv_Sidorowi - Member of the Schizophrenics clan.
  • AHYC - ????
  • DJAGER957 - GTanks Player
  • IceOne (Oxotnik666) - GTanks and ProTanki shoeing player
  • Winston (mamed100) - GTanks and ProTanki Youtuber, ProTanki moderator
  • Bugor - Member of the clan Schizophrenics, GTanks golddolls
  • SHERKHAN - Member of PlayTanks clan in GTanks
  • KoTeHoK_B_KeDaX - Great GTanks player
  • 6po (qpC6) - GTanks leader by rating and amount of experience - more than 4,000,000
  • Skyfall (SpaceX4) - Member of PlayTanks clan in GTanks
  • zhedron - ProTanki moderator, member of PlayTanks clan in GTanks