Scavenger Hunt

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Scavenger Hunt is a 17-day challenge in which you are rewarded for completing specific tasks.
With each completed task you receive 10p (points), which in total decide what prizes you receive after the Contest.

How to participate

In order to participate, the contestants need to complete a series of tasks set by the Contest Organizers.
Once a task is completed, a screenshot can be submitted as proof of the achievement via Google Form.
An online Google Sheets file, which is updated by the Wiki Editors, keeps track of all players' progresses. You can find all 10 tasks here, as well as track your progress here: Player Progress

Contest Rules

  • You can only participate from one account.
  • You are not allowed to participate in the contest using other players' work
  • Screenshots of completed tasks must be uploaded to an image hosting site (lightshot, imgur).
  • Your screenshots must clearly display the date, time, and your in-game nickname. Old screenshots are not accepted.
  • All tasks must be completed legitimately, and in real game scenarios. You are not allowed to gain help from friends or engage in any form of collaboration.
  • All Tasks (with the exception of Task 6) cannot be completed in Parkour battles.
  • You can submit tasks individually as you complete them.

Warning! Failure to adhere to the rules outlined above may result in the need to redo the task or face disqualification for the task.

ProTanki Fund

  • Every time a player completes a task, 500 crystals will be added to the ProTanki fund.
  • At the end of the contest, the total gained fund will be equally split amongst 50 lucky tankers.
  • To be eligible to win the ProTanki fund, you are required to have completed at least 3 tasks.

The total accrued "fund" can be found in the Player Progress sheet.


From the '23 Scavenger Hunt:

Task Number Task to complete Reward (in points)
1 Catch a "Gold box" and take a screenshot of it.
2 Find a player wearing the "Orange" paint, and take a screenshot of it.
3 Earn more than 6000 crystals (excluding the premium account bonus) in a map and take a screenshot of it.
4 Get a triple kill with 1 shot using either Shaft , Railgun or Thunder and take a screenshot of it.
5 Find a player ranking up (excluding yourself) and take a screenshot of it.
6 Find a player with the Neon, Microchip, Flame, Wiki Editor, Alligator, Aramid or Engineer paint equipped and take a screenshot of it.
7 Finish a battle with 300 or more kills and take a screenshot of it.
8 Deal 1 damage to a player and take a screenshot of it.
9 Finish a battle with 5000 scored points, and take a screenshot of it.
10 Take a screenshot of two "flipped" tanks (enemy/ally tanks upside down, or on their side), in a battle and take a screenshot of it.


From the '23 Scavenger Hunt:

Points Prizes
7 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 35000 SmallCrystal.png
80p - 99p
5 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 15000 SmallCrystal.png
50p - 79p
3 Day of Small Premium Rank.png + 10000 SmallCrystal.png
20p - 49p
3000 SmallCrystal.png

The announcement of the 50 winners of the "ProTanki Fund" will take place on July 10th at 18:30 MSK during a livestream voice channel session on the ProTanki Events discord server, found here: ProTanki Events

  • Following the Livestream, our Community Event Helpers will host a special "Save the Gold" event at 19:00 MSK. More information can be found in the ProTanki Events discord.
  • During the "Save the Gold" event, all prizes for the ProTanki Scavenger Hunt will be awarded, providing participants with a significant boost in preparation for the upcoming ProTanki Anniversary festivities!