SantaClaus ON

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SantaClaus_ON is a Contest in which participants must destroy the tank of the account SantaClaus_ON to receive a random reward.

How to participate

During the contest, parkour DM matches will be hosted in which Santa Claus will appear.
The equipment allowed is Hornet/Wasp + Firebird.
After killing SantaClaus_ON, a reward will automatically be awarded to you.


Failure to comply with the rules, may result in disqualification from this and future Contests.

  • Only Hornet/Wasp + Firebird are allowed as equipment.
  • Double Damage and Mines are Forbidden!


One of the following prizes will be selected randomly

5000 SmallCrystal.png
3 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
15000 SmallCrystal.png
5 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
30000 SmallCrystal.png
7 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
50000 SmallCrystal.png
100000 SmallCrystal.png