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Have you ever heard the word "Prop" in games?

Props are special graphical elements that make up locations in modern games. You've probably noticed that in ProTanki, some elements are repeated multiple times. For example, if you take a house from the Sandbox map, you can see the same house on different maps. Props can be flat but have a visual 3D effect

style="margin-left:20px;" Prop2.png

The sizes of props in "ProTanki" are multiples of five game meters. There are props of 5x5 meters, 5x10, 10x10, and so on. Knowing this, you can estimate the sizes of tanks and the shooting range of Turrets.

Prop and viking.png

Prop Libraries

There are a vast number of props, sorted for convenience into so-called libraries. Within these libraries, they are further divided into classes, such as fences, buildings, terrain, and so on.

First Prop Library

Map sandbox mini.jpg Map boombox mini.jpg Map sandal mini.jpg

The oldest prop library, on which the first maps in the game were based. Mostly, its props consist of urban landscape and infrastructure elements. Maps such as Sandbox, Boombox, and Sandal were created using this library. There is also a winter variant of this library.

Unfortunately, the library did not gain popularity among map creators because it did not always allow them to implement their desired maps.

Second Prop Library

Map silence mini.jpg Map polygon mini.jpeg Map 2042 mini.jpg

The second prop library, which is completely different from the first: it includes industrial elements such as watchtowers and concrete sculptures, and factories became ruined. This library was used to create maps like Silence, Polygon, Year 2042 and others. There is also a winter variant of this library.

The variety of 5x5 meter props made map creation more convenient and flexible.

Third Prop Library

Map future mini.jpg Map platform mini.jpg Map factory mini.jpg

The third prop library is one of the futuristic libraries, allowing the creation of modern and whimsical metropolises and urban maps. This library was used to create maps like Future, Platform, Factory and partially others.

With this library, designing buildings takes less effort and time — special "lego" props simplify the assembly of houses.

Iran Map Library

Map iran mini.jpg Map iran winter mini.jpg

The Iran map library, used for creating eastern landscapes with references to Arab motifs, is considered distinct from all others. This library can build desert cities with parched vegetation. However, the amount of information stored in the props is large, so it is not advisable to create large maps based on this library. There is also a winter variant of this library.

Holiday Prop Libraries

Map ny trassa mini.jpg Halloween props.jpg Mine preview.jpg Map cosmicstation preview1.jpg Map springfalls mini.jpg

Alongside standard and experimental libraries, there are holiday prop libraries, which have become an integral part of decorating maps during significant events.