How to report a player?

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If you notice that someone is using hacks, using bad words, insulting others or exchanging accounts, you should report this person. The game rules prohibit this. You can report people in battles using the command below:

/vote Nickname Player

After typing this, press Enter.

For example, if a player's nickname is "Tanker" then type /vote Tanker


1. Once you have sent a complaint you just have to wait, the matter will be dealt with fairly quickly.
2. Using the vote command is allowed only during battle, in the lobby chat you can not use it.
3. If a complaint has been sent, you will see a notification in the chat in battle. This notification is displayed only to you - other players in that battle will not see that a complaint has been sent.
4. You can't send a complaint against a player without a reason, if the player hasn't broken the rules, you can be penalized for false reporting.