How to Use Twins (Tips and Tricks)

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See also: Twins, Tips and Tricks


Plus.png Pros

  • Twins has a very high reload speed, allowing continuous shooting for as long as you can survive. This gives Twins the highest damage output per minute out of all turrets.
  • Each projectile possesses significant impact force, capable of knocking off enemy aim when aimed at the corners of their hull.
  • Twins boasts a high turret rotation speed, making it effective against other close-range weapons, including countering the slowing effects of Freeze.

Minus.png Cons

  • Twins have a limited effective range, making it vulnerable to long-range weapons when facing distant enemies.
  • Twins projectiles continuously reload, requiring constant visibility of the enemy to deal damage. Hiding behind cover and occasionally peeking out to shoot is not effective.
  • Twins projectiles are slow, making it easy for fast enemies to dodge them.

Hull combinations for Twins

Twins require prolonged and direct confrontations with enemies, necessitating a large amount of armor to compensate for the inevitable damage from enemy firepower. Heavy hulls such as Titan and Mammoth suit best, turning the player into impregnable fortresses on small and compact maps. However, keep in mind that the Twins' effective range is limited, requiring mobility to chase down enemies with your shots. Therefore, medium hulls like Viking also work well in larger battles.

Gamemodes for Twins

  • DM: Opt for a heavy hull; for larger maps, you may consider using a medium hull as well. Prioritize highly damaged targets for easy kills. If no other targets are available, you can engage nearby heavy hulls and wear them down gradually with your high rate of damage output. Be cautious, as your target might be "stolen" by other enemies, since each Twins projectile deals only a small amount of damage.
  • TDM: Heavy hulls are best for TDM as they can defend yourself from enemy attacks longer, reducing the enemy team's total score. Always support your teammates in bringing down enemies as soon as possible. Your number of kills is not as crucial as the total damage inflicted on the enemy team.
  • CTF: Twins can be used both offensively and defensively here. To capture an enemy flag, use a medium hull for increased mobility, while a heavy hull is preferred for defenders guarding the flag directly, making it hard for enemies to break through your defenses.
  • CP: For defending a point from enemy assaults, Twins with a heavy hull is the best choice. For supporting or attacking roles on larger maps, both medium and light hulls work well. Twins users have an advantage in this game mode due to the short distance involved within combat.

General Tips for Twins

  • If you are on higher ground, use Twins effectively to impede the enemy's movement up ramps. Additionally, Twins projectiles can knock enemies over, making it impossible for them to shoot at you. One example of such usage is when defending the elevated base on the Moon Silence map.
  • While shooting at enemies, try to constantly move around and aim at their corners to make it more challenging for them to land shots on you. Be cautious however, as unskilled tankers might find Twins' slow projectiles easy to miss entirely!
  • Try to memorize the number of shots required to destroy each type of hull, so that you can minimize the time spent exposed in open combat.
  • If heavily equipped with Supplies, Twins becomes virtually indestructible. While melee turrets like Firebird and Freeze may deal the highest damage per second among all turrets, they have limited ammo and require energy recharge over time. In contrast, Twins has an infinite reload, allowing it to outlast melee turrets in damage output over an extended period.