How to Use Ricochet (Tips and Tricks)

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See also: Tips and Guides, Ricochet


Plus.png Pros

  • The ability to bounce shots off surfaces increases the gun's versatility. It can hit enemies that are taking cover or hiding behind obstacles, opening up new tactical opportunities.
  • The Ricochet Plasma Gun hits hard with each shot, making it tough for opponents to aim back.

Minus.png Cons

  • It has a significant recoil, as it can affect your stability and aim, mainly when using light hulls such as Wasp and Hornet.
  • Standing in the path of a released charge can lead to self-inflicted damage, so users must be cautious about their positioning.
  • Ricochet's effectiveness is highly dependent on the map terrain and available surfaces for bouncing shots, potentially limiting its usefulness in certain environments.

Hull combinations for Ricochet

Ricochet is best used with "Hit and Run" tactics, which require a great amount of mobility. Unlike other turrets, Ricochet can deal damage to opponents without the need to expose itself and risk receiving damage from enemies. Thus, when playing with Ricochet, it is considered the best to equip a medium hull as it provides a great deal of armor and mobility. Viking is one of the most versatile and widely used combinations for Ricochet, while Dictator offsets the base of the turret, allowing the player to peek out of walls and expose only a tiny portion of their hull. Its height advantage also allows players to shoot on top of other tanks, making projectiles pass above obstructing allied tanks. Lighter hulls provide significant boosts in mobility and enjoyment, and Hornet is a popular choice due to its relative stability and availability. Heavier hulls such as Titan and Mammoth lack the mobility aspect but are ideal for defending specific positions crucial in team matches, due to their abundant armor and high damage dealt per unit of time.

Gamemodes for Ricochet

  • DM: Ricochet turret's ability to deal damage without exposing itself makes it a powerful choice for engaging opponents in this mode. Players can use the bouncing shots to hit targets from unexpected angles, giving them an advantage in one-on-one battles
  • TDM: Similar to solo Deathmatch, but split into two teams. The Ricochet turret's ricochet mechanic becomes even more valuable in TDM, as it can hit multiple opponents in a clustered area. Additionally, TDM often involves close-quarter combat, where the Ricochet's bouncing shots can excel.
  • CTF: In this mode, the Ricochet plays the attacking role due to its ability to hit enemies from behind cover or around corners. This makes it a useful tool for flag carriers and defenders alike, as it can provide valuable support in denying the enemy team's progress and assist in securing and defending captured flags.
  • CP: Ricochet has a great impact in this mode thanks to its versatility and ability to hit enemies in tight spaces, making it valuable for controlling areas and providing support to teammates.

General Tips for Ricochet

  • Play on maps where you can use Ricochet's mechanics to your advantage, bouncing shots off different surfaces to hit distant or concealed targets.
  • Avoid standing in the path of released charges to prevent self-damage.
  • Utilize the element of surprise by mixing direct and ricocheted shots. Catch opponents off-guard with unpredictable attacks
  • Be aware of the amount of shots needed to eliminate each hull, so that you waste as little energy as possible.
  • Manage the weapon's significant recoil to maintain stability and accuracy.