How to Use Freeze (Tips and Tricks)

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See also: Tips and Tricks, Freeze


Plus.png Pros

  • Freeze allows you to hold back fast enemy tanks carrying the flag or force heavies to come to a standstill.
  • Very high damage per unit of time due to the accumulation of the base damage.
  • You can still shoot even when your clip is not fully reloaded.
  • Freeze can simultaneously damage multiple enemies positioned within its range

Minus.png Cons

  • Freeze has a small ammo clip, limiting it to only 1-2 kills at a time before needing to reload.
  • Freeze is relatively slow when it comes to reloading its clip.
  • While reloading, the player is virtually defenceless and is forced into hiding from enemy fire.
  • It has a short range of effectiveness, so you need to get close to the enemy for increased damage.

Hull combinations for Freeze

Freeze is best used in combination with light and medium hulls. The reasons are the same as for the Firebird: the need to quickly move out from under fire and approach the opponent from behind makes speed and maneuverability your best allies. Cryos installed on heavy hulls are rather helpless without acceleration.

Gamemodes for Freeze

  • DM: Use medium hulls and act unexpectedly. Strike with certainty, or else opponents will gladly finish what you started and steal the kill. You can even shield your target from enemy shots with your hull. When you spot a group of enemy tanks engaged in close combat, try to approach from the side and freeze them all at once, starting with the one you consider the least healthy.
  • TDM: Either seek out clusters of enemies and aim to attack as many enemy tanks as possible, or go after individual targets that you can definitely defeat in a "one-on-one" situation. Here, you don't need to worry about exclusively filling your own kill count: prioritize team interests over personal gains.
  • CTF: This mode is where Freeze is most effective. The freezing effect turns Freeze into a weapon that doesn't even require you to finish off enemies: your allies can handle them, as a frozen tank poses minimal threat. It's very difficult to take the flag from a base defended by Freezes. On the other hand, it can snatch the flag with impunity if it manages to catch defenders off guard, freeze them, and leave before they realize what's happening. Acceleration and light hulls are your best friends.
  • CP: A bunch of enemy tanks capturing a point is a treat for Freeze. You can also set up ambushes near points if there's a place to hide.

General Tips for Freeze

  • Open fire only when the enemy is within your range, and stop when it moves away. Don't waste unnecessary ammo as it is limited!
  • In close combat, move sideways and apply circle-strafing tactics to your enemy. It makes them harder to aim and damage you.
  • After exiting the combat, assess the situation immediately. Locate nearby opponents if you have sufficient ammo and health; otherwise, find a place to safely recharge your clip.
  • Remember to "extinguish" burning teammates, and conversely, don't cool down enemies that are set on fire.