Guide to catch Gold Box

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Main article: Gold box

A Gold box in ProTanki is normally worth 1000Crysmini.png, which is not a small amount by itself. During festivities, that amount could even swell up to staggering multiples. Naturally, everyone in battle would want to grab such a tempting reward for themselves. But how can you outsmart others and catch a Gold box easily? Tanker, here are some tips for you:

  • A Gold box always drops from the map at a random, predetermined location 40 seconds after the "Gold Box Will Be Dropped Soon" sign shows, and its iconic siren is played.
  • It is impossible to predict or determine where a Gold box will drop, so everything depends on your chances!
  • The falling distance for Gold boxes may vary from map to map.
  • If heavily or moderately damaged, quickly engage in a suicidal fight or immediately queue up for self-destruction. When respawning, having full armor when dealing with the onslaught will significantly boost your chances of snitching the Gold box.
  • Defend your tank and let others know that you are prepared for any unexpected fights or shots. Deliver them the signal that hurting your chances means hurting theirs as well!
  • Avoid killing enemies, except when they start attacking you, have low armor, or get attacked by multiple players at once.
  • Don't stay in an open area if none of your teammates are nearby. You will be an easy target for enemies.
  • Climb on top of other tanks for an easy catch. Having a teammate to help is ideal.
  • The Dictator hull gives you a better chance of catching the Gold box due to its height, while heavier hulls such as Titan and Mammoth give substantial armor crucial in withstanding overwhelming firepower.
  • Hide and focus on killing other players with long-range turrets like Railgun, Thunder, or Shaft. This will reduce the number of players and increase your chances of catching the Gold box. Avoid doing this extensively to avoid resentment from enemies.
  • In maps where the Gold box always drops in a specific region, a technique named Phantom can be used effectively with hulls of smaller size. Avoid materializing after respawn and follow a nearby host tank. When the Gold box is close to the ground, leave your host tank and spawn in to catch the Gold box without getting damaged.