Design a Xmas Avatar

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Design a Xmas Avatar is a Contest in which you can win great prizes including a special Discord role by drawing a Christmas Avatar.

How to participate

To participate, first download the painting template from the corresponding link.
Afterwards, it can be edited with an image editing programme of your choice.
Please note that the final design should be rendered as a .png file.


The most original, best-themed and creative Avatars receive one of the following rewards.

Place Prizes
10 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 50000 SmallCrystal.png
7 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 30000 SmallCrystal.png
5 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 17500 SmallCrystal.png
honourable mentions
5000 SmallCrystal.png

* Receive an additional unique role on the Discord server that displays the player's avatar throughout the game's New Year celebrations.