Christmas Tree Contest

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Christmas Tree Contest is a Contest in which teams have to try to build the most beautiful Christmas tree out of tanks.

How to participate

To participate, all a team member needs to do is film the entire build process and submit a link to the video via Google Forms.


Failure to comply with the following rules may result in rejection of the submission or disqualification from the Contest.

  • Apart from the tank representing the star, all must be equipped the green paint.
  • There is no limit to how many participants can be in a team.
  • The entire build process must be recorded.


Place Prizes per Member
3 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 15000 SmallCrystal.png + 3 Codes
2 Days of Small Premium Rank.png + 10000 SmallCrystal.png + 2 Codes
1 Day of Small Premium Rank.png + 7000 SmallCrystal.png + 1 Code