Battle modes

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Battles are required to have one of the four essential game modes of any map, if they are available within the selected map.

Deathmatch [DM]

Deathmatch mode is unlike all other battle modes, wherein the player finds himself individually against every other tanker in the battle. In Deathmatch, it is lighter to combat other tanks and easier to find them within the map you're playing. Hence, the fund is more likely to be higher on average in Deathmatch (DM) than other battle modes. Deathmatch is the most reliable battle mode of all the others, as the objective is simply to destroy other tanks and get the most amount of kills. The battle can be limited by either time or number of kills (frags). Each frag gives exactly 13 experience points.

You are allowed to form an alliance with other players in Deathmatch, as such is not punishable by the constituted rules. While doing so may earn you a few eyes seeking retribution against you and your now partner-in-crime. Forming alliances in other battle modes will earn you a punishment that could range from a:

  • Verbal warning from the moderator
  • A temporary suspension of your account.

Team Deathmatch