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See also: Battle modes

Assault (Assault, ASL or Storm) is an unusual team battle mode that embodies the features of CTF and TDM. In Assault, players are divided into two teams, just like in other team modes, but each side has its own task.

The Goal - score more points than the opposing team in one of two ways, depending on the side: attack or defense. Battles are limited either by the number of points or by time.


Attacking side

When playing for Team Red (attacking side), you need to deliver flags to the opponent’s point. For each flag delivered, the red team receives 10 points. Flags can only be taken by red team players. Same flag capturing rules apply to CTF except that you can't use F to drop the flag because immediately after a player loses a flag, a point for an eliminated objective is counted to the progress of the defending side, that is why this function is disabled in this mode.

Unlike in CTF, Assault presents the players with multiple flags so that the defending side isn't bored.

Defending side

When playing for Team Blue (defending side), the main objective is to prevent the attacking side from capturing flags. The delivery location is not a flag pole like in CTF but a point, similar to CP. The point belongs to the blue team and is not intended to be captured by anyone, so standing next to it is not required. Every 10 seconds the blue team gets 1 point. The blue team does not have its own flags.

The game ends when either of the team meets its objective or gets the closest to it before the time runs out (if applied).