Master of the sword

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Clans mots.jpg

Master of the sword — a tournament in which players can compete in mastery of the railgun. The tournament was held in three categories: Clans, Tandem, and Solo.

The winners of this tournament are awarded with Impulse paint with 20% protection against all turrets and mines, and the second place players are awarded with Gladiator paint.

Impulse Gladiator
Impulse paint.png Gladiator paint.png

See also: ProTanki Fighting, Tournament and Award Paints, Tournament formats

Mots Solo

Mots Solo was held in game between 15.07.2023 and 10.08.2023. Tournament format - XP/BP.

The winner was the player with the nickname Lightwork, the second place went to the player Amnesia, the third place went to the player Nice.

Mots Clans

Clan Mots was held in the game 1 time - from 13.05.2023 to 17.06.2023. During this tournament, players fought in Light format.

Impulse paint was given to the team 3 month, which became the winner of the tournament. Gladiator was given to the team boevie fiksiki, which took the second place, and the Invincible team that took the third place.

Mots Tandem

Mots in the Tandem category was played in the game between 07.08.2022 and 03.09.2022. Tournament format - XP/BP.

The first place was taken by pod 0.5 tandem (Alt & FACE_BURGER), the second - by Last.Players tandem (Mild & 6a6kuH_BHyk).