How to Use Hammer (Tips and Tricks)

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Revision as of 10:15, 25 August 2023 by Ykraps (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''See also'': Tips and Guides, Hammer left|link= __TOC__ ==link= Pros== * It has a decent rate of fire and does high damage. * Strong impact force even hitting indirectly. * The spread of the pellets provides the ability to hit multiple enemies caught within the shot. ==link= Cons== * Only three shots in the magazine – after using them, the player becomes completely vulnerable for several seconds. * H...")
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See also: Tips and Guides, Hammer


Plus.png Pros

  • It has a decent rate of fire and does high damage.
  • Strong impact force even hitting indirectly.
  • The spread of the pellets provides the ability to hit multiple enemies caught within the shot.

Minus.png Cons

  • Only three shots in the magazine – after using them, the player becomes completely vulnerable for several seconds.
  • Hammer cannot be reloaded until all projectiles are fired.
  • At a great distance, the majority of pellets fly past the target, and after reaching the minimum effective range, the pellets do not deal any damage at all.

Hull combinations for Hammer

Hammer is suitable for use on almost any hulls, except light hulls, as the recoil of this cannon could be too strong for it. Additionally, heavy hulls might not be very advantageous, especially on larger maps, since Hammer-equipped players need to stay mobile and consistently shorten the distance to inflict maximum damage.

Gamemodes for Hammer

  • DM,TDM: Use hammer primarily on medium hulls. Take cover in the folds of the terrain, among buildings, and attack as soon as the target is nearby. Remember that if the target survives a full magazine, they will most likely be finished off, but not by you, as you can't shoot during reload. Therefore, choose your targets wisely: go after weakened and vulnerable enemies.
  • CTF,CP: In these modes, the Hammer can perform the role of support or even a direct attacker. Use medium hulls to have time to take cover for reloading and prevent opponents from leaving the damage zone.

General Tips for Hammer

  • If several enemy tanks have clustered together (for example, at a control point in CP), it might be worth opening fire not from up close, but from a slight distance, in order to hit more enemies with a single shot.
  • Don't shoot while the opponent is far away — you'll waste your magazine without causing significant damage. Save your shots for close-range engagements.
  • If you have an extra round left in the magazine, expend it to fully reload before the next attack.
  • Remember that the Hammer can effectively disrupt the aim, so take advantage of this opportunity whenever suitable.