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Clans are the game's elite esports community that takes part in tournaments.

How to join a clan

Applying to join a clan

You can leave a request in applications channel. Leaders often look there, and if they like you, they will definitely contact you.

However, if you are a clan leader and searching for players, you can ask for them in recruit channel

What can be specified in the application?

  • Nickname of your main account: Specify the nickname of the account from which you want to play.
  • Online time: Battles are usually held in the evening, between 19:00 and 00:00 MSK (Moscow time) (less often during the day), so you must be prepared.
  • Contact info: Usually Discord or any familiar social media.

Things to keep in mind before joining a clan

  • It will be useful to be able to play with the combinations on which clanwars are held. Usually these are large maps, for example, Barda, Bridges, Tribute, Parma, Red alert, Kungur, Solikamsk and Forest. Training on these maps on various weapons, it will not be superfluous to have excellent skills in playing on the Hornet, Hunter, Wasp hulls with Rail, Smokey, Thunder or Ricochet turrets (these turrets are considered difficult to master and therefore raise the overall level of the game).
  • In addition to a strong game on one of the types of weapons, it is very important in the clan, how well you are trained in tactics and able to think right in the course of the battle. To develop these skills, know drop locations on the maps above.
  • You must have a headset. During the battle, clan members communicate using Discord through a voice chat or another voice program, coordinating their actions. Without voice communication, there is nothing to do in battle. At the same time, in battle, you must be able to actively communicate with your teammates, inform them where you are, what the opponent is doing, where the expense has fallen, how we attack / defend, etc.
  • To play successfully, you need to have a stable and high-speed communication channel with the Internet.

ProTanki eSports Discord Server

You can participate in these special Tournaments by joining the special eSports Discord Server, by clicking the link below. Disicon.png