Photoshop Contest

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Photoshop Contest.png

A Photoshop Contest in ProTanki is a regular event where players can demonstrate their skills in photo editing software, like Adobe Photoshop, by crafting and submitting custom images related to the game. The contest typically revolves around a specific theme, such as designing a custom tank or creating a humorous meme connected to ProTanki. The event is generally announced on the official ProTanki discord, and players can participate by creating and submitting their images via a designated Google Form.

You may wonder what is the content of a Photoshop Contest, so let's get into it.

  1. Eligibility: The contest is open to all players of ProTanki, and participants can submit as many entries as they wish. However, some contests may have age restrictions or other eligibility requirements, so it's important to review the official contest rules before participating.
  2. Judging Criteria: The entries are judged by either a panel of experts or the community, depending on the specific contest. The judging criteria may include originality, creativity, quality, and relevance to the theme.
  3. Submission Guidelines: Participants must follow the specific submission guidelines for each contest, which usually include information about file format, size, and resolution. The images must be original and cannot contain any copyrighted material.
  4. Rewards: The winner of the contest is typically awarded in-game crystals, which can be used to purchase upgrades and equipment in the game. Some contests may also have additional prizes or recognition for runners-up or honorable mentions.
  5. Community involvement: The Photoshop Contest provides a great opportunity for players to become involved in the ProTanki community and showcase their skills. The contest can foster a sense of friendly competition and encourage players to share their creativity with others.

It's important to note that while the contest is meant to be creative and enjoyable, all submissions must comply with the game's community guidelines, which prohibit content that is offensive, violent, or otherwise inappropriate. Additionally, all submitted images must be original and cannot contain any copyrighted material.

Overall, the Photoshop Contest in ProTanki is a fun and engaging way for players to participate in the game and showcase their skills. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, there's always an opportunity to get creative and have fun with other players.