Snowman Codes

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Snowman Codes is a Contest in which snowmen appear on random Maps and drop codes that can be used to win cool rewards.

How to participate

To participate, you must submit the code dropped by one of the snowmen, Snowman_01, Snowman_02, Snowman_03, Snowman_04, Snowman_05 or Snowman_06, as soon as possible through Google Forms.
Please note, however, that only the first participant to submit the code will receive a reward.


Originally you could win these prizes:

1000 SmallCrystal.png
1 Day of Small Premium Rank.png
2000 SmallCrystal.png
2 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
5000 SmallCrystal.png
5 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
10000 SmallCrystal.png
25000 SmallCrystal.png

But the prices have been updated and you get a random price from the list below:

Set of 100 Supplies
7 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
50000 SmallCrystal.png
14 Days of Small Premium Rank.png
100000 SmallCrystal.png
Garage Paint*
Full Kit*

* available at your rank