Rules Tournaments

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1. General regulations.
1.1 Tournament.
- Tournament - competition, aimed to determine, on an exclusively sport principle, the strongest ProTanki teams.
1.2 Tournament management.
- The tournament is managed by the organizing committee. Members of the Organizing committee are judges and administrators of cybersport.
1.3 Official language of the tournament.
- The official languages of the tournament are Russian and English.
- All teams and players are obliged to use the official languages in correspondence with the tournament participants and organizers.
- The organization committee provides communication between the teams communicating in different languages.
1.4 Regulation of the tournament.
- The organization and running of the tournament is performed in accordance with these regulations, which establishes a uniform procedure for the competitions.
- Any terms and concepts used in these rules have the same meaning as defined in these rules, the User License Agreement, the Rules of the Game, the Privacy and Cookies Policy, as well as the customary practice of eSports events.
- By using the Game in any way and/or by completing the registration process in the Game and clicking the "Confirm" button, and/or by submitting an application to participate in a competition, the User (player) confirms that they have read, understood, agreed and unconditionally accepted the terms of these Rules.
- These rules are binding for all Users (players) and teams.
- If a User (or a team of Users) does not agree with the rules, they have no right to participate in the event.
- The results of the battles, subject to these rules, depend solely on the skills and abilities of the players in the game.

2. Tournament participants.
2.1 Tournament participants.
- A limited number of teams/players, who have passed the admission procedure according to the present Regulations, take part in the Tournament. The maximum number of teams/players is stated at the announcement of the tournament.
- The rank limit is from Warrant Officer 5 to Generalissimo, unless otherwise stipulated in the tournament rules.
- Within one tournament a player can only play for one team and only from one account.
- During official games, all participants of the teams are obliged to be in voice channels on the official Discord server. In case of a non-appearance of the team, there will be a penalty. The game administration and tournament organisers have the right to visit the voice channels of the teams.
- Team captains are obliged to be in the general-teamleaders chat room during the whole tournament. All communication and arrangements for upcoming matches should be made on discord.
2.2 Team name requirements:
- The maximum allowed number of characters in the name is 20;
- The name must not be provocative, contain obscene language, political subtext/provocation, etc.; it must not repeat the name of the teams which have applied earlier.
- Only Latin letters shall be used in the team names.
- The captain is obliged to change the team name on demand of the tournament organiser.
2.3 Admission to the tournament.
- The team gets admission to the tournament on the basis of the confirmed application (Rules of application submission will be published in the rules of the specific tournament).
- For reasons described in these rules the Organizing committee has the right to deny a team admission to the tournament.

3. Time and order of organising matches, creating a map.
3.1 Creation of the map and start of the match.
- The participants of the tournament are assigned the statuses "Host" and "Guest". The status is determined by the tournament organisers in the fights schedule. The "Host" is the player who is above or to the left in the tournament grid, the "Guest" is the player below or to the right.
- The card is created by the player/team with the status of "Host". The host starts the match for the blues.
- The link to the fight is sent by the "Master" to the tournament organizers and the opponent using official communication channels (Discord) or via the buddy system.
- At the appointed time participants of the battle enter the map, 2 minutes are given for preparation (from 12:00 to 10:00 round time).
- Each team/player may request a re-entry before the first round of battle (before 11:00 am battle time), and the opponent must go to the next round. A new map is not the start of the next battle. Re-entry is the exit from the battle and the subsequent entry of all combatants to reset the time of the round.
- At 10:18 round time, all players press the "self-destruct" button and play begins. From the moment of self-destruct (10:18 round time) to the beginning of the battle (10:00 round time) all participants of the battle must be on the map, players are not allowed to update or leave the battle in this period.
3.2 Each team is entitled to request a technical break, and the opponents are obliged to accommodate*:
- The duration of the pause is 5 minutes;
- A technical break cannot be requested before the first round;
- There can be no more than one technical pause before a round;
- A technical pause may be requested no later than 11 minutes of battle time.
- Each team is entitled to request one technical pause per match.

  • The duration of the technical pause is 5 minutes. It is forbidden to procrastinate. After the 5 minutes have elapsed, teams must restart.

4. Actions of the players during the match.
4.1 Actions of the players during the match.
- Before the start of game time (10:00 round time), it is forbidden to perform any actions aimed at capturing flags, destroying the opponent, full seizure of a point.
- It is forbidden to leave the battle in case of a coup: you must wait for self-destruction or destruction by an opponent or a teammate. It is forbidden to withdraw from combat in order to change weapons. If the player needs to refresh (hang, lag, etc.), the player must return to the map in the same armament. - In case other is not stipulated in the rules of the current tournament: not more than three upgrades/reinstations are allowed for the game time of the round on one player, replacement is counted as an upgrade.
- It is forbidden to be with the flag in out-of-game zones (map edge, textures, pits). If a player finds himself in a pit, he must immediately reset the flag.
- In case when the lag of the opponent affects the game, contact him in the battle chat and ask him to refresh or to make a replacement, if it is a team battle. - The opponent has the right to refuse an update and/or a replacement, if the request is not valid.
- The referee has the right to ask the team to replace the lagging player, and that player must leave the round. A player has the right to leave after finishing the game episode, but no later than 15 seconds after the referee's request; the team may replace such a player or continue the round with an uneven line-up.
- The referee has the right to remove from the battle a player who has been ordered to leave the battle if the player does not leave within 60 seconds of the referee's request.
- If the player is unable to continue the battle (power outage, Internet problem etc.) - in this case the game continues in the unequal line-up, and the result of such a battle will be counted. If a round has been started, it should be played to the end in all lineups and all flags delivered before the end of the round will count.
- It is forbidden to use self-destruct without a valid reason, which includes being in an upside down position or critically stuck in textures.
- If the player is unable to continue the battle (power outage, Internet problem etc.) - in this case the game continues in the unequal line-up, and the result of such a battle will be counted. If a round has been started, it should be played to the end in all lineups and all flags delivered before the end of the round will count.
- In XP/BP, Light, Medium formats self-destructs are not allowed without justifiable reasons, such as being upside down on the tracks or critically getting stuck in textures. In Hard CTF and Hard CP self-destructs are allowed.
- In XP/BP, Light, self-destructs are not allowed without justifiable reasons, such as being upside down on the tracks or critically stuck in textures. In Medium, Hard CTF and Hard CP self-destructs are allowed.
4.2 If a player does not have his checker on before the match starts, from 12:00 onwards, at the referees' request he must turn it on or leave the map.
- It is allowed not to turn on the checker ONLY in case of very serious problems at the player, having notified the judges about it in advance, with the proofs.
4.3 In "Hard CTF" and "Hard CP" format changing equipment is allowed, but only once per round, re-entry into the game is forbidden.
- Each player has the right to change equipment only 1 time (1 time the turret, 1 time the hull and 1 time the paint) from the beginning of the game time of the round. (time is counted as game time in the round starting from 10:00, herewith self-destruction at 10:18-10:20 = MUST!)
- If player has crits or other problems with the game - he restarts the client/game, instead of rejoining it, this has no effect on the equipment-change-cooldown.
But will not be allowed to change equipment after re-entering the map, if he has already done so before re-entering the map.
- If another player came in instead of a player to be replaced during the round, the new player has the right to change clothes once before the end of the round only if the previous player did not change, otherwise the new replacing
player is also forbidden to change clothes before the end of the round!
4.4 It is forbidden to use clickers/scripts/macros to gain advantages over other players (examples: quickly pressing the entire bunker with one button, placing more than one mine at a time, etc.).
4.5 When replacing a player in Medium, Hard CTF, Hard CP formats, the replacing player must be wearing the same armament as the one being replaced (Turret, Hull, Paint)

5. Entering the final match score.
5.1 Entering the final match score.
- After each round the competitors take a screenshot of the screen. The following shall be displayed on the screenshot: the final table, the score of the round. After the end of the match, the representative of the winning competitor or, in case of a draw in the match, the competitor with the status of "Host" reports the score of each round on the #inf-match-results channel, confirming them with screenshots.
- The results of the matches must be posted within 10 minutes of the end of the fight.
- If the opponent does not agree with the result, he should submit a complaint to the tournament organizers on the discord server or in person within one hour after the end of the match, according to the section "Protest submission and communication with tournament organizers".
5.2 At ProTanki tournaments the only official way of communication is on Discord. Screenshots from other means of communication will not be accepted.
5.3 Results of matches should be confirmed by captains of both teams, both winners and losers (if you lost and dropped out of tournament, it's not a reason to delay entering results and next matches).

6. Technical defeat.
6.1 In case of non-appearance of one of the participants at the match, as well as in other cases stipulated by these rules and the tournament rules, a technical defeat (TP) may be awarded
- If the opponent did not appear on fight, it is necessary to place a screenshot of the created fight, where it will be shown, that there is no opponent, and, with a channel of communication on which you contacted the opponent. The screenshots must show the time. The screenshots should be posted on the #inf-match-results channel.
- The player/team that is not ready to start the game 15 minutes after the scheduled battle time will be scored a technical defeat.
6.2 The technical defeat will be awarded with a score of 0:4 per round. Technical defeat in a round is awarded with the score 0:3.
6.3 If both contestants fail to appear for the match, a 0-0 technical draw will be awarded. In this case, the teams are not awarded points for the match.
6.4 If a contestant withdraws from the tournament, for whatever reasons, in all of his remaining matches a technical defeat is awarded, with the score 0:3 in four rounds.
6.5 If a contestant during a match plays a round with a set off, a screenshot should be taken, so that a complaint can be sent after the match (section 7). At the same time it is necessary to write a message in a chat room, warning the opponent about this violation, so that he corrects the set-up in the next rounds.

7. Refereeing and communication with the tournament organisers.
7.1 Each individual match is organised and officiated by the match referee. The match referee makes decisions in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and brings them to the attention of the teams.
7.2 In non-standard situations, or those not described in the current version of the rules, the referee has the right to resolve the situation at his own discretion.
7.3 The name and contacts of the match referee are on the official server of cybersport.
7.4 On the side of the team communication on the organization of matches and controversial situations is led exclusively by the captain or deputy.
7.5 The administration of the project and eSports direction has exclusive rights, including the right to act outside the rules described above.
7.6 The rules can be changed by the decision of the judging panel without notifying the users.
7.7 Since it is not always possible to accurately determine any violations of these rules, the final decision always rests with the Organising Committee and the referee.

All requests, complaints and suggestions on the organization of the tournament you can send in private messages to the curator or the administrator of cybersport.

8. Filing a complaint and communicating with the tournament organiser.
8.1 If one of the combatants does not agree with the result of the match, he has the right to file a complaint.
8.2 To file a complaint, it is necessary to contact the tournament organizers on the discord server or in person.
8.3 When filing a grievance, the information and evidence should be provided to the tournament organizers through official channels no later than 60 minutes after the end of the fight.
8.4 Decisions on disputable situations are made by the tournament organizers. About their decision they are obliged to inform on a discord server or other resources.
The decision on a disputable situation, made by the tournament organiser, is final and not subject to appeal.
8.5 Evidentiary requirements for the protest:
- Evidence (screenshots and videos) must be able to verify that they depict the battle that is the subject of the protest.
- The material provided must show what the protest is about (opponent's offence). First-person videos take precedence for complaints of lag and other infringements, and the video must show FPS and PING. Broadcast videos may be rejected or considered as additional evidence.
- Complaints about opponent's lag may be rejected if clause 4.1.4 is not observed during the match.
- Video must be posted on and the tournament organiser must be provided with a link to view it with timings of all infringements.
- The video must be of satisfactory quality, so that the offence and the offender's nickname are clearly visible.
- Screenshots of the infringements must only be complete (image of the whole game space on the map, including the time of the round/battle logs/game chat).
- Screenshots confirming the numerical composition of the clan must be made by the player present in the battle on the map, with the TAB button pressed.
- Edited or incomplete screenshots will not be accepted.

9. Broadcasts
9.1 All matches are broadcast live with the official commentators. The live video broadcast is placed on the official youtube channel.
9.2 To exclude the possibility of foul play in matches, the video broadcasting of matches is with a delay of 30 seconds.
9.3 The use of swear words and negative statements towards opponents and the organiser in the voice chats is strictly forbidden.
9.4 Teams have the right to place a player with live broadcasting and a player with live recording on their own information resources (Discord, social networks, etc.).
9.5 During the battle teams must be in the official Discord channel, where they are provided with rooms for voice conferences.
The nicknames of the players on the Discord server shall be 100% identical to the game nicknames.
9.6 Teams must give the operators the link/invitation to the battle no later than 10 minutes before the appointed battle time.
9.7 The teams must be on the map in full strength 3 minutes before the appointed battle time.
9.8 At the time the broadcasting team is in conference of the playing team, the microphone shall only be switched on by the players in the battle. However, a seventh player's microphone is allowed if this is the coordinator or a substitute player.
9.9 The broadcasting team has the right to request that the round be restarted, if this is necessary to ensure broadcasting.

10. Duties of players and teams.
10.1 The players are obliged to comply with the rules of the ProTanki game.
10.2 Players and teams are obliged to follow the norms of these regulations.
10.3. The participants of the tournament are obliged to avoid the actions that can damage the image of the tournament, the image of the players and teams of the tournament, the image of the refereeing board and other subjects connected with holding the tournament.
10.4 Each player is personally responsible for his behavior in combat, chat, on the official server etc. In case of gross violation of the rules of communication and ethics, the player can be expelled from the tournament.

11. Disciplinary penalties and fines.
10.1 Disciplinary penalties are provided for violations of the provisions of these regulations.
Disciplinary penalties shall be imposed by the referee. The referee shall inform the team captain by official means of communication of the imposition of disciplinary penalties. Disciplinary penalties imposed are not subject to appeal.