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Tournament Formats


  • The penalty round takes place on the Sandal/Crossroads/Garder/Sandbox/Magadan map. No more than 2 Wasps per team, no more than 1 Hornet per team. The penalty round map is selected by drafting, with the home team drafting first. Team leaders/team leaders draft from each other in private discord messages, then take a screenshot and send it to the referee.


  • The penalty round takes place on the Cross map in a 3 v 3 format. No more than 1 Smoky per team. No more than 1 Wasp per team. No resistances (a 10% rail resist is allowed on Wasp).


  • The penalty round takes place on the Sandbox map in a 3 v 3 format. The side is chosen by the Guest. Turrets are not repeated, you are not allowed to take 2 of the same turret, no more than 1 melee weapon (Freeze/Firebird). Isida is prohibited. No more than 1 light hull, heavy hulls are prohibited.

Hard CTF:

  • The penalty round takes place on the Red Alert map in a 4 v 4 format. The side is chosen by the Guest. Turrets are not repeated, it is forbidden to take 2 of the same turret, no more than 1 melee weapon (Freeze/Firebird). Isida only on light hulls. Heavy hulls are forbidden.

Hard CP:

  • The penalty round takes place on the Garder map in a 5 v 5 format. The side is chosen by the Guest. Turrets are not repeated, it is forbidden to take 2 of the same turret, no more than 1 melee weapon (Freeze/Firebird). Isida only on light/medium hull. No more than 1 heavy hull.


  • The penalty round takes place on the same map on which the tournament was originally announced. It follows the same rules as the main tournament. The penalty round is played until the first win.

eSport Rules

Rules Tournaments
Rules Blitz


eSport Server
eSport Checker