QnA with Developers

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Throughout ProTanki's existance, the game's developers have occasionally held Q&A livestreams where they eagerly answer a wide range of your questions about the game. This much-anticipated event serves as a platform for players to gain insights and knowledge about the game's mechanics, development, and future plans. Unfortunately, these livestreams are almost entirely in Russian. Below we've compiled a list of the most intriguing questions, translated into English.

Livestream with EN CM (dxxth) 06/17/2024

Original broadcast can be found here

What's the problem with the shop? Why it's taking so long?
A: It will be fixed as soon as a solution is found.

What is ProTanki's main goal?
A: To be as enjoyable as possible for all players

Will we be able to purchase and drop gold boxes in game?
A: As of now, certainly not. Though that's not to say similar features can't be considered in the future.

Will Juggernaut mode, ever be added to the game?
A: Yes. Perhaps we can do something with it to make it more interesting than in TO.

Are we gonna have More battles with space mode?
A: It's unnecessary to do, but there's nothing wrong with adding it.

Will there be XTs in ProTanki?
Yes, XTs will soon be in the game A: You'll earn them through a battle-pass-like system, and everyone will have the chance to acquire them with a little effort.

Will we have new paints like golden star or frost in the game?
A: Probably, though right now there isn't a need for new paints.

Will the Isida ever have the old shooting animation?
A: All sorts of shooting animations are somewhat pointless, therefore probably not. Though the concept of Shot effects might be considered in the future.

Is the dev team going to add their own stuff in the future like maps or some gameplay mechanic?
A: We've already added custom maps, and if other opportunities arise for interesting mechanics, we'll certainly consider adding.

What about Ratings Website?
A: There will be a website as soon as we have time to make it.

Are there any more tournaments coming up?
A: eSports will soon be returning, with many improvements.

When will Clans card be added?
A: Yes, and sooner than you think.

When will you make it so self-destructing will result in a -1 kill?
A: This mechanic is already in the game in team modes, though if it's necessary, it will be added to DM mode too

Can we have Micro-Upgrades?
A: This probably won't happen, adding micro upgrades requires each modification to be downgraded to the level of its predecessor in terms of features.

CTF mode in some battles is missing, why?
A: Some of the maps have lost their CTF mode, that is due to many players abusing that mode to gain advantage or simply find a way to boost their crystals or xp by farming, therefore it got removed, but perhaps in the future they'll be returned.

Will supply cooldowns be added?
If considered, they will be added a separate option in PRO battles.

Is there ever gonna be a test server for protanki? Like original tanki?
A: No

will you guys ever separate the paints from the protections?
A: Only if necessary, such as if the idea of adding new turrets is considered in the future.

Will Assault mode ever be in the game?
A: The functionality is already made, it's just we need to balance the mode to work well on all the game's maps.

Will protanki ever have overdrives? Alterations? Or hovering hulls?
A: Definitely not

How about some animated paints?
A: Initially wanted to, but as time goes on, it seems more and more unnecessary. But we can't say no for sure yet.

Livestream with Developers 02/18/2023

You can find the original broadcast here.

What exactly did you change with paints in the last update?
A: We increased a few paints protection by a small percentage, especially some M2 paints.

When will the Assault mode be permanently added?
A: Before adding the mode, we need to rework a few maps. Some need a few changes, while others quite drastically.

Will the Protection modules ever be introduced?
A: If turrets like Striker or Magnum are added, we may add protection modules to make game-balance easier.

Will any measures be taken against farming on the popular maps Island or Polygon?
A: An idea is we may reduce the fund by a little bit on these maps, while increasing the fund on other maps.

Will a server be launched closer to Asia?
A: To run multiple servers, we need a large online player base, otherwise there will be almost no battles to play on these servers.

Will there be a celebration on 23rd of February?
A: No, because of this, we increased the Valentines discounts and Holiday's duration slightly.

Will independent supply cooldowns and micro-upgrades be added?
A: If independent Supply cooldowns are added, they will only be available as an option in PRO battles. Micro-upgrades are being considered, but if added, they will weaken absolutely all turrets and hulls to the level of previous modifications (M2 will be like M1 now, etc.), in order to allow micro-upgrades to actually take effect.

What measures are being taken to increase the online activity?
A: Right now it's just advertising. There are no special game mechanics to retain online presence at the moment.

What are the duties of a game designer?
A: There are a rather few main duties. The most important thing is to listen to the players, and then tell the programmers what to add, change or remove.

When will the ratings website be up and running?
A: At the moment no one is working on the site. However, your in-game profiles can be viewed on the game's discord server.

Will Legacy skins ever be added?
A: Probably.

Will there be a friend-referral system?
A: Probably.

Will the Control Points battle mode get the score rollback system?
A: Yes.

Will the turret Striker be added?
A: It most likely will, but to add it, we'll either have to switch to the "protection modules" system or completely rework all existing paints protection.

Will the Magnum turret be added?
A: Probably not.

Will the most active players in the game receive any bonuses?
A: After the release of the Ratings website, it's possible that the highest ranking players will receive bonuses.

Will the "early battle completion" system be added?
A: Probably not.

Will the turret protection percentage display next to players' nicknames?
A: No, as this can be determined by the opponent's paint.

When will there be a clan system?
A: Not anytime soon, as no one is currently working on this system at the moment due to more important updates.

Will there ever be meteorite golds?
A: Meteorite golds are currently not planned.

Will paints be sorted in the garage by their protections, from best to worst?
A: They certainly will be soon.

Will the "unlimited supplies" season ticket appear on May 9th?
A: Unlikely, but possible.

When will Containers and XT skins be added?
A: Containers will only be considered once there's enough content to add to them. XT skins will only be released for M3 modifications for now. Over time, XT skins will be added for other modifications (M0, M1 and M2) as they are created.