Save the Gold

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Revision as of 15:29, 16 March 2023 by Noizy (talk | contribs)
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Save the Gold — Several gold boxes are dropped around the center of the map, but there is a problem - they are surrounded by a minefield. Your goal is to clear the road to the gold boxes and pick them up!


Allowed turrets: Firebird, Isida and Freeze
Turret firebird m0 2.png Turret isida m0.png Turret freeze m0.png
Allowed Hulls: Hornet and Wasp
Hull hornet m0.pngHull wasp m0.png
Allowed Paints: Holiday


  • Once you have joined the map, do not start attacking the mines. Wait for further instructions from the spectator.
  • When everyone is ready, GO will be stated. Your goal is to attack and capture the gold boxes defended on the map.
  • There will be multiple Gold boxes on the map, the player that captures the last remaining (final) gold will receive a bonus SmallCrystal.png12,000 Crystals and Small Premium Rank.png3 days of premium.
  • In this event, you are not required to leave the battle after achieving the object.

IconsNormal 08.png <——> IconsNormal 30.png


  • Map: — (Chosen on the day)
  • Max players: — (as many as the map allows)
  • Battle format: Parkour
  • Time Limit: 999
  • Private Battle: ON
  • Equipment Change: OFF
  • Bonus Boxes: OFF
  • Crystal Boxes: ON
  • Supplies: ON


  • You are not allowed to use Double damage and place Mines. Self-destruct immediately if used by accident!
  • Purposely Killing other participants is prohibited.
  • It is strictly prohibited to attempt to kill event helpers.
  • You are not allowed to blow up the mines before the "GO" command is given.

Want to participate in this event? Join the discord server below, check the calendar and get ready for an epic battle!