Violation of regulations

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Violation of regulations.
Penalties and disciplinary sanctions.

1. Failure to comply with the eSports and Pro Tankirules.

  • Player or team disqualification possible
  • Suspension from eSports

2. Late arrivals at a match by 10 minutes without notice

  • Warning for each event
  • If 2 warnings, 10% penalty to total prize

3. Late to the match by 20 min.

  • The team will receive a technical defeat

4. Inappropriate actions towards an opponent and their flag before the match

  • Warning to team
  • Repeated offenses may result in a fine of 15% of the total prize

5. Unstable Internet connection (lagging player), no quick substitution after a request from the referees

  • Warning to team
  • Technical defeat
  • Kick from map

6. Player participating in more than one team at the same time, including alternate player accounts

  • Player disqualification
  • Sanction to the team at the discretion of the referees
  • Ban from eSports

7. Threat of a DDoS attack against the team/player in the game chat, official social networks of the game, and other public areas is unacceptable.

  • In case that a player/team is attacked in a subsequent match and it is proven that DDoS was involved, the player/team responsible for carrying out the threat will be considered guilty and may face penalties ranging from a fine of 60% of the tournament prize to disqualification of the team/participant and a long suspension of the team/participants. The severity of the offense will be determined by the referee.
  • eSports suspension

8. Any attempts to match-fix a game or exploit loopholes in the rules

  • Disqualification of the team
  • Suspension from eSports

9. Transferring of account to third parties in a tournament

  • team disqualification
  • Long-term ban for all future tournaments
  • Ban from eSports

10. Any actions that may harm the image of players, teams, tournaments, referees, and the project as a whole

  • Warning
  • disqualification from the current team and forfeiture of the right to play in further tournaments
  • Ban from eSports.

11. Use of third-party software

  • Disqualification from the tournament and forfeit the right to play in the next tournament
  • Ban of in-game account of the offended player
  • Ban from eSports

12. Attempt to cheat judges (fake screenshots, logs, wrong score, etc.)

  • From warning to disqualification of the team and long-term suspension of the participants (degree of the offence is determined by the referee)
  • Ban from eSports

13. Improper behavior, insulting other players or representatives of the organization in official channels and public sites

  • Technical defeat
  • Warning
  • In case of repeated offence, disqualification from the current tournament with forfeiture of the right to play in the next tournament
  • Ban from eSports

14. Failure of pre-match interview

  • A 5% fine for each event;

15. Leaving the match area without permission of the match referee

  • 15% penalty for each event;

16. Violating generally accepted norms of behavior on all official channels, such as Discord, is grounds for penalties.

  • A fine of 10% of the prize
  • Possible disqualification of the team;

17. Using abusive language during broadcasts

  • A fine of 5% to 10% of the team's prize for each occurrence.

18.Inconsistency of Discord nicknames with game nicknames or any form of sabotage during the broadcasting team's voice conferences during a match, such as deliberate silence by the whole team or deliberate creation of extraneous sounds, is prohibited.

  • Penalties for this offense may range from a fine of 5% to 10% of the team prize for each event.
  • Disqualification of the team is possible

19. Use of self-destruct without justification

  • Warning to the player

20. Refusal of the team to play, leaving the map for no reason, without warning and without the consent of the match referee

  • Penalty up to complete forfeiture of the prize
  • Forfeit of the players of the team to take part in the next tournament

21. Deliberately sabotaging a match, such as standing in one place on the map without the intention of defeating the opponent, is strictly prohibited.

  • Penalties for this offense may include a warning for the team.
  • In severe cases, the team will be disqualified from the tournament.

22. Pressing Delete before the specified time (10:18)

  • Warning to player
  • In case that a player gains an advantage in the game, such as dropping out or moving away from the respawn point, the round may be replayed at the request of the referee.
  • In repeated cases, a penalty may be imposed on the team, and the severity of the penalty will be determined by the referee.