Battle modes

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Battles are required to have one of the four essential game modes of any map, if they are available within the selected map.

Deathmatch [DM]

Deathmatch mode is unlike all other battle modes, wherein the player finds himself individually against every other tanker in the battle. In Deathmatch, it is lighter to combat other tanks and easier to find them within the map you're playing. Hence, the fund is more likely to be higher on average in Deathmatch (DM) than other battle modes. Deathmatch is the most reliable battle mode of all the others, as the objective is simply to destroy other tanks and get the most amount of kills. The battle can be limited by either time or number of kills (frags). Each frag gives exactly 10 experience points.

You are allowed to form an alliance with other players in Deathmatch, as such is not punishable by the constituted rules. While doing so may earn you a few eyes seeking retribution against you and your now partner-in-crime. Forming alliances in other battle modes will earn you a punishment that could range from a:

  • Verbal warning from the moderator
  • A temporary suspension of your account.

Team Deathmatch [TDM]

The mechanics in Team Deathmatch are much similar to the solo Deathmatch mode, except there is one catch... the battle is split into two equal teams! Team Red VS. Team Blue. The goal is to destroy more tanks than the opposing team. TDM games are limited by either number of kills or time. Every player is responsible for their own team, as their kills contribute towards the final pool of kills they collectively accumulate over the course of the battle's duration, or until the objective is successfully fulfilled. A team gets 1 point for every destroyed tank, whilst individual players get 10 experience points.

Unlike classic Deathmatch mode, players' spawn points are fixed at their bases. To start combating other players, you need to go to the center of the map, or even to the opposing team's base. As a result, the amount of kills amongst each individual is a lot lower than that in a classic Deathmatch.

You'll come across a lot of long-ranged turrets' users, as they tend to be the most successful at plucking kills in this particular battle mode.

Capture the Flag [CTF]

Similar to the aforementioned team-mode, players in this mode, CTF, are divided intwo two teams, Team Red VS. Team Blue. The goal is to take and capture the enemy’s flag, and to prevent the opposing team from capturing your team's flag. If you take the flag and then get killed, you lose it. The flag is then instantly dropped where you were last killed whilst holding it. However, your teammates can retake it and continue their journey to capture the enemy's flag. Note: if the dropped flag hasn't been picked up by any teammates (or vice versa, by the enemies), it'll be automatically returned to the enemy's base in approximately 20 seconds.

To capture the flag, you need to pick up the enemy’s flag and bring it to your flag's base, where it should be held within a glowing orb on the ground. In order for the flag to be successfully captured, your flag must be at its correct location within your team's base. Each captured flag adds an additional point to your team's overall score. The victorious team is that which has the most captured flags within the specified battle-timer, or by fulfilling the objective designed by the battle's settings.

You get points for capturing a flag (or assisting in capturing a flag by having held it at least once), returning flags, fighting and eliminating other tankers and healing (applicable through Isida's healing powers). For each flag you capture, you get approximately 10 experience points. However, this increases the more players there are in the enemy team. For each enemy in the opposing team, you get additional 10 experience points. For example: If there are 10 enemies on the opposing team, you will get approximately 100 experience points for capturing a flag. A lot of things factor into calculating the experience points you get for returning a flag; for example, if the returned flag was only a short distance from its original place, then returning it will not reward you with an adequate amount of experiences (sometimes none at all). Instead, the further your team's flag is from its base, the more experience points you get for returning it.

A CTF battle is limited by either a timer, or by a set number of captured flags; the objective.

Capture Points [CP]

Similar to the two aforementioned team-modes, the players in this mode are divided into two teams, Team Red VS. Team Blue. Across the map, there exists a multitude of (or sometimes a singular) glowing orbs. The amount of these glowing orbs depends on the size of the map. Each glowing orb, or orbs, are grey-colored by default. If a player from either team approaches the glowing orb, namely the points to be controlled, they'll be inclined to stay within a certain radius across from the point until it has been successfully captured. There's a line, that is colored based on your team's color, which serves as an indicator as to whether you're successfully attempting to capture a point or not. It takes the player approximately 7-8 seconds to capture a point on their own, however, this can be sped up, stagnate or reverse in favour of the opposing team based on a few factors; if the player is attempting to capture a point that an enemy is also attempting to capture, then neither will accumulate any progress towards the point they're within the radius of. However, if one is eliminated then the other will accumulate progress towards this point.

The more points captured, the more points the team gets. The winner is the team with the most points. Team spawn points are close to their bases. When the battle starts, you need to capture as many neutral points as possible.

A point is automatically counted towards the team's progress if the point has been captured for more than 10 seconds. As per such, the team will receive a point to their score after 10 seconds have passed of a successfully captured point.

The team is victorious if they accumulate the most point scores before the battle timer runs out, or, if the objective of the battle has been successfully fulfilled.

Format Battles

Format battle is a battle that is played using a specific combination of turrets and hulls, or according to a specific set of rules.

Hornet and Railgun (XP)

  • Hull: Hornet M2 / M3
  • Turret: Railgun M2 / M3
  • Format does not including: Rearm (turret/hull change availability)
    • With Hornet M2 one of the following paints is required: Emerald, Savanna (15% or 20%).
    • With Hornet M3 only paints without Railgun protection can be used.

Wasp and Railgun (BР)

  • Hull: Wasp M2 / M3
  • Turret: Railgun M2 / M3
  • Format does not including: Rearm (turret/hull change availability)
    • With Wasp M2 one of the following paints is required: Forester, Corrosion, Emerald, Sandstone, Savanna (10% or 20%).
    • With Wasp M3 only paints without Railgun protection or Forester, Corrosion, Emerald (10%) paints can be used.

Hornet/Wasp and Railgun (ХР/ВР)

  • Hull: Hornet or Wasp M2 / M3
  • Turret: Railgun M2 / M3
  • Format does not including: Rearm (turret/hull change availability)
    • With Hornet M2 one of the following paints is required: Emerald, Savanna (15% or 20%).
    • With Hornet M3 only paints without Railgun protection can be used.
    • With Wasp M2 one of the following paints is required: Forester, Corrosion, Emerald, Sandstone, Savanna (10% or 20%).
    • With Wasp M3 only paints without Railgun protection or Forester, Corrosion, Emerald (10%) paints can be used.


  • Supplies do not have any cooldown durations. They are available for activation at any time.
  • Players do not receive experience points for destroying enemy tanks, capturing flags, or controlling points.
  • Battle fund does not grow, it's fixed at 0.
  • Mines are able to be deployed instantaneously.


  • A specific format battle. The term "XP" is an acronym for "Хорнет," which stands for "Hornet" in Russian, and "Рельса" which stands for Railgun in Russian. While the letter "B" in "BP" stems from "Васп," which stands for "Wasp" in Russian, as the letter "P" stands for Railgun, or "Рельса".
  • You could also hear the team "XR/VR" because of the pronunciation of the actual Russian terms for both Hornet and Wasp.