Violation of regulations

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Violation of regulations.
Penalties and disciplinary sanctions.

1. Failure to comply with the rules of the Pro Tanki game

  • Player or team disqualification possible
  • Suspension from eSports

2. Late arrivals at a match by 10 minutes without notice

  • Warning for each event
  • If 2 warnings, 10% penalty to total prize money

3. Late to the match by 20 min.

  • technical defeat

4. Incorrect actions towards an opponent and his flag before the match

  • Warning to team
  • Repeat offences may incur a 15% fine on total prize money

5. Unstable Internet connection (lagging player), no quick substitution after request from referees

  • Warning Warning to team
  • technical defeat
  • kick from map

6. Player being in more than one team at the same time, including alternate player accounts

  • Player disqualification
  • Sanction to the team at the discretion of the referees
  • Ban from cyber sport

7. Threat of a DDOS attack against the team/player in game chat, official social networks of the game and other public areas

  • In case in a subsequent match a player/team is attacked and it is proved that DDOS was involved, the player/team who carried out the threat will be considered guilty
  • from fine of 60% of tournament prize money to disqualification of the team/participant and long suspension of the team/participants (the degree of the offence is decided by the referee)
  • eSports suspension

8. Any attempts to match-fix a game, exploit loopholes in the rules

  • Disqualification of the team
  • Suspension from cyber sport

9. Transferring of account to third parties in a tournament

  • team disqualification
  • Long-term ban for all future tournaments
  • Ban from eSports

10. Any actions that may harm the image of players and teams, tournaments, referees and the project in general

  • warning
  • Disqualification from the team, losing the right to play in further tournaments.
  • Expulsion from eSports.

11. Use of third-party software

  • Disqualification from the tournament and forfeit the right to play in the next tournament
  • Ban of in-game account of the offended player
  • Ban from eSports

12. Attempt to cheat judges (fake screenshots, logs, wrong score, etc.)

  • from warning to disqualification of the team and long-term suspension of the participants (degree of the offence is determined by the referee)
  • Ban from cyber sport

13. Improper behavior, insulting players or representatives of the organization in official channels and public sites

  • technical defeat
  • warning
  • in case of repeated offence disqualification from the tournament with forfeit of the right to play in the next tournament
  • ejection from cyber sport

14. Failure of pre-match interview

  • 5% fine for each event;

15. Leaving the match area without permission of the match referee

  • 10% penalty for each occurrence;

16. Leaving the match area without permission of the head referee

  • 15% penalty for each event;

17. Violation of generally accepted norms of behaviour on all official channels: Discord, etc.

  • penalty from 10% of the prize money
  • possible disqualification of the team;

18. Use of abusive language during broadcasts

  • 5% to 10% of the team prize money for each occurrence;

19. Inconsistency of Discord nicknames with game nicknames or other sabotage of the broadcasting team's voice conferences during the match (e.g. deliberate silence of the whole team, deliberate creation of extraneous sounds, etc.)

  • 5% to 10% of the team prize money for each event;
  • Disqualification of the team is possible

20. Use of self-destruct without justification

  • Warning to the player

21. Refusal of the team to play, leaving the map for no reason, without warning and without the consent of the match referee

  • Penalty up to complete forfeiture of the prize money
  • Forfeit of the players of the team to take part in the next tournament

22. Deliberately sabotaging the match (Standing on the map in one place, without having the motivation to defeat the opponent, etc.)

  • Warning for the team
  • Disqualification from the tournament

23. Pressing Delete before the specified time (10:18)

  • Warning to player
  • in case of gaining game advantage (dropping out/moving away from respawn) - round replay on referee's request
  • in repeated cases, penalty to the team (the degree of severity is determined by the judge)